Many of you have already met us as the new owners of Ballina Honey, but for those who haven't watch this space for opportunities for us to say hi! You can also check out the new home of Ballina Honey at
Honeyvale Farm is on the edge of the Alstonville Plateau in the beautiful McLeans Ridges. Just get in touch if you would like to come and see us :-) We believe in farms producing more than food: Our mission is to have a farm which provides for our environment, our community and our family. Head on over to for more information on what we do and how we do it.
Our mainstay is beekeeping, though we have a wide range of produce such as honey, wax, free range eggs, pork, charcuterie and geese. We provide services such as pollination, beekeeping, mentorship, agistment and swarm removal. We are fully off grid, have replanted 20 acres of our land back to The Big Scrub Rainforest and we are currently planting 750 pecan trees. Our vision is for Honeyvale Farm to be a biodiverse enterprise which produces more than food. Honeyvale sustains us as farmers, provides ecological services to the environment, and produces employment and nourishing food for both our local and wider community. Our little patch of paradise will do more of this for us than it did for past generations, and will do even more for future generations than it has for us: this is regenerative farming.
Now that Bec and Rob have moved on to other projects we will be holding to their original ethos of small batch honey made raw and natural - just the way honey should be! Our honey, our wax and our hives are chemical free and not heat treated in any way. Get in touch with us if you would like a tour or more information about our process and how we work to minimise waste in our community.
A warm welcome from Jackie and Luke :-)
Know where your whole foods come from - Know your local Bee Keeper